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C Spire Prepared for 2023 Atlantic Hurricane Season


RIDGELAND, Miss., (June 1, 2023) – C Spire, a diversified telecommunications and technology services company, is committed to protecting the communities it serves in preparation for the 2023 Atlantic hurricane season. With a highly trained staff and bolstered network, C Spire is ready to respond to emergencies and widespread natural disasters, when they occur.

“We are prepared for the upcoming 2023 hurricane season,” said Alan Jones, chief network officer at C Spire. “Our preparedness will give customers the highest communications reliability during the time they need it most.”

The National Weather Service predicts a near-normal hurricane activity in the Atlantic this year. It is forecasting a range of 12 to 17 total named storms with winds of 39 mph or higher for each. Of those storms, five to nine could become hurricanes with winds of 74 mph or higher.

C Spire prepares its workforce for a wide range of potential disasters, including major weather events such as hurricanes. The company routinely reviews and updates its emergency preparedness and crisis communications plans and conducts drills throughout the year to test the readiness of its network and employees.

The company also is ready to activate its emergency response and crisis communications plans, which guide the use of resources and personnel during a crisis and the overall response to a natural disaster.

C Spire routinely takes precautionary steps and puts restoration teams through various training and test scenarios and masses equipment and materials to protect critical network facilities and cell sites. The company uses back up batteries at mobile sites and switching centers and arranges for replacement fuel supplies in case normal fuel delivery options are interrupted by commercial power outages or road closures.

Some of the structures feature a 9-inch think external steel-reinforced precast concrete walls welded to 6-foot-wide spread footings. In addition to multiple redundant power feeds, the buildings also boast giant diesel generators each capable of producing 1.65 megawatts of continuous power, enough to light thousands of homes and businesses.

The company is coordinating its emergency response efforts with local, state and federal agencies and organizations, including the Mississippi Emergency Management Agency, the Alabama Emergency Management Agency, the Tennessee Emergency Management Agency, the Federal Emergency Management Agency, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the National Weather Service, the American Red Cross and the Salvation Army.

This year’s Atlantic hurricane season begins June 1 and lasts until Nov. 30.

About C Spire
C Spire is a diversified telecommunications and technology services company that provides world-class, customer-inspired wireless communications, Gigabit consumer Internet access as well as a full suite of dedicated Internet, wireless, IP Voice, data, cloud and managed IT services for businesses and enterprises. This news release and other announcements are available at For more information about C Spire, visit or follow us on Facebook at or Twitter at