Squirrels chew up the fiber wiring in your walls.
Replacement & repair for in-home C Spire wiring and equipment.
Diagnosis of problems connecting personal equipment to C Spire Fiber.
On-site education about your C Spire Fiber services.
Squirrels chew up the fiber wiring in your walls.
Your fiber line gets cut while planting in the yard.
Your pet knocks over the modem, and now it won’t work.
Mom has trouble getting her iPad to connect to WiFi.
Here’s a look at what is covered with our Fiber Protection Plan.
Cut Fiber Lines
Inside Wiring
C Spire Home Equipment
In-Home Assessment
Here are examples of services that the Fiber Protection Plan does not cover. This is not a complete list but can provide a good indication of what types of service are not included.
Ad Hoc Tech Support
Home Entertainment Equipment
Smart Home & Smart Security Devices
Computer Peripherals