- Activate a new line on the Everybody Deal Plus, Everybody Deal All-In, Everybody Deal, Real Deal Unlimited, More Unlimited, Simple Unlimited, Unlimited with Cashback, or Connect & Protect Advanced plan to get $500 off this device. Shop online to receive an additional $100 off.
- Upgrade on the Everybody Deal Plus, Everybody Deal All-In, Everybody Deal, Real Deal Unlimited, More Unlimited, Simple Unlimited, Unlimited with Cashback, or Connect & Protect Advanced plan to get $349 off this device.
- Activate a new line or upgrade on the Connect & Protect Intermediate, Beginner or The Real Deal plan to get $349 off this device.
- Receive up to an additional $300 off your new device when you trade-in. Value varies based on the model and condition of trade-in.
- Discount will not exceed the price of the device.
Prices subject to change. Not transferable; not redeemable for cash. Offers require new line activation or upgrade with the purchase of eligible device on a device plan agreement on cspire.com or in-store, while supplies last. Must activate or upgrade on The Everybody Deal, The Everybody Deal Plus, The Everybody Deal All-in, Real Deal Unlimited, Simple Unlimited, More Unlimited, Unlimited w/ CashBack, Real Deal, or Connect & Protect service plans. $0 down for well-qualified credit or down payment may be required. Discount is divided equally into 36 mo. bill credits. Taxes on full retail price less trade-in value due at sale. Bill credit applied over the course of the full 36 mo. device plan agreement term. Service must remain active and in good standing and device must remain on its device plan agreement for entire term to receive all credits. Cancellation of service, failure to pay device plan agreement or plan change to a non-qualified plan will accelerate installments remaining due on smartphone at full device plan price. Upgrades, returns, exchanges may void promotion credits. Purchase limits, credit approval, taxes, fees, monthly, activation and other charges may apply. Get up to an additional $300 with qualified trade in.